Monday, March 16, 2009

Gili Meno accommodation

Gili Meno has a range of accommodation to fit any budget. The small island is only 2km by 1km, and like Gili Trawangan, the cheaper places are on the northern side of the island.

There are dive centers and resorts on Gili Meno, guaranteeing a certain level of quality.

Here are a few options.


Pondok Santai - located on the NE coast next to Lami’s. This place features bambbo shacks, no electricity and traditional mandi bath.

Pondok Meno - located just south of Pondok Santai, no electricity, basic stlye bungalow a bit back from the beach in a garden. Cold water mandi. No electricity.

Fantastic Cottages - located inland, just south of the Gili Meno Bird Park, the cottages are a couple of basic bamboo places, with large porch, cold water mandi

Mid range:

Royal Reef Resort - located on the beach on the eastern side of the island. Typical bamboo place with thatch roof, fan, cold water, power in evening.

Kontiki Cottages - located on the southern end of the island, combo of bamboo rooms and more expensive tiled rooms. Fan, cold water, electricity.

Casablanca - located inland, just north of th Gili Meno Bird Park. Combo of rooms standards, ranging from cold water / fan, too hot water / AC. Pool & restaurant.

High end:

Bounty Resort - located on the west side of the island, complete with its own jetty. The Bounty catamaran stops here. Good rooms, AC, cold water, pool.


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