Almost every day, tourists from around the world gather at Sumbawa’s Lakey beach to indulge their love of surfing and meet the challenge of Lakey’s ferocious waves.
The strength and height of Lakey’s world-renowned waves, in the Hu’u district of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province’s Dompu region, have been a natural blessing for local tourism development and are seen as the starting point for promotion of other Dompu tourist attractions.
Dompu Culture and Tourism head Sayuti Melik, in connection with the NTB Regional Tourism Promotion Board (BPPD) roadshow in October, said the consistent roll of the waves defied seasonal influences to make serious surfers of the world regard Lakey, about 90 minutes by car from Dompu city, as their “heaven.”
“Every year, Lakey beach hosts world-class surfing championships,” he said. “There are four types of waves at Lakey beach that are highly sought-after and preferred by surfers. They are Lakey Peak, Cobble Stone, Lakey Pipe and Periscope.”
In addition to providing year-round waves that are perfect and highly-challenging, Lakey offers amazing scenery including a striking white sand beach and crystal-clear waters which are idyllic for swimming.
Below the ocean surface teems a variety of marine life that provides wonderful viewing for snorkelers.
And when the tide recedes, often in the late afternoon, there are beautiful scenes of villagers gathering seaweed against the backdrop of the sinking sun.
Along the coast of Lakey, on hilltops directly overlooking the ocean, are caves that were part of the occupying Japanese Army’s defence in World War Two.
There is also the Nangasia megalithic site of ruins that points to Dompu’s long history and is thought to have existed since 4500 BC. The site, believed to have been a necropolis or burial place, has revealed archaeological objects such as beaded jewellery and pottery which indicate quite advanced technological skills of the ancient ancestors of the Dompu people.
“In the Nangasia site area there is the place known as Batu Kursi (Wadu Kadera or Stone Chair) which was the location for the coronation of the Dompu Ncuhi, or tribal chieftains,” said Sayuti Melik. Batu Kursi is believed to contain prints of the soles of Ncuhi feet.
The Lakey coastal region offers a variety of accommodation and restaurants to meet tourist needs.
BPPD’s NTB chairman Awanadhi Aswinabawa welcomed Dompu’s achievements in progressing tourism development, saying Dompu’s Culture and Tourism department’s contribution to revenue of almost Rp100 million a year was substantial.
BPPD NTB, appointed by the NTB provincial administration to promote the tourism sector, said Lakey’s reputation in the global surfing community was an asset to its own task of increasing NTB’s tourism profile.
“Clearly, the existence and reputation of Lakey beach can be a very good starting point for introducing other tourist destinations in Dompu, which certainly are no less appealing and interesting,” said Awanadhi.
“There is, for example, the legendary Mount Tambora, known to the world for its catastrophic eruption whose 200th anniversary will be commemorated in 2015.”
Dompu also was home to the archaeological Nangasia sites, the Dorabata site, Ria beach and Felo Janga beach, he said.
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