Recently, the communities of Pancasila Sub-village, Tambora Village, Pekat District, Dompu Regency, have another activity outside daily life. During two days, the citizens on the slopes of Mt Tambora are like being hypnotized by the several beautiful movements that is shown by the artists who come from Mataram, collaborated with the artists who come from Dompu in an activity that is titled “Tambora Art Moment”.
Not only that, the inhabitants in the vicinity are also involved enthusiastically in the art performances, although the arrangements that are done are still regarded as minimum and quickly prepared. That feature can be seen from the happiness that radiates in the simple faces of the people who usually struggle with agriculture and husbandry activities on the slope of Mt Tambora.
The first day of the Tambora Art Moment performance on 27 March 2010, the artists began doing theatrical, pantomime performances, the writers, musicians, and choreographers were busy looking for “victims” from the around the communities to be trained to do the fundamentals of the arts. The seeking was not too long, because it turned out the people willingly approached the artists.
The simple concert with the stage that made from wood, banana sheaths, banana leaves, and grass become more lively with the performances of the most famous musician of Mataram, Ari Juliant. Several mainstay songs and the Tambora theme song were made in a night, it turned out they got the audience interested enough to join in with the singing. And the fifth Partisan Concert of Ari Julianti was called the “Nusa Gora Ballad” (“Balada Nusa Gora”).
As sunset began, accompanied by the sound of Ashar Adzan from the mosque, one of the creative musicians, Plagiamor Trestian, was seen playing music with an authentic instruments that were obtained from the around of Mt Tambora area such as the wood, cans, frying pans, pans, plastic bottles and stones. The combination of instruments being struck created an unique sound and was given the name the “Voice of Tambora”.
The sensation of music pounding increased, together with the appearance of Sultan Felix who moves his body according to the music notes that are played. The expression of the body tells about a person who is enslaved because of wealth and power, so that they regret it because they do not have spirit anymore. The attraction is enjoyed very much by the audience.
Bodies have begun to feel cold with the Mt Tambora Mountain weather at night. The Akar Daun studio from Mataram is able to warm up the bodies, with their theatrical performance from theatre artists such as Sastrawan, Kiki Sulistyo, and Pantomime actor, Ded Dablo, who tells about the earth’s message for human beings.
The earth must be maintained and preserved by humans, so that the earth does not become the human’s enemy, because of natural disasters that are caused by human’s behavior. The audience’s attention looks like it “has been stolen” again by the theatrical studio of Mada Duli from Dompu Regency, the leader being artist, Zulkifli. That theatrical act tells about the process of Mt Tambora eruption that is considered as the most terrible eruption in the world that killed at least ninety five thousand people and buried three great kingdoms around Tambora.
The gleam radiated from local people’s faces as if whispering lest this be the first and last moment that it can be seen.
“If that moment comes again, inform us, in order we can enjoy and be included in it”, commented the people.
And the moment full of art messages within this human life, also is immortalized by two photographers from the Lombok Sumbawa Photo Club (LSPC), Quadru Putro Wicaksono and Sri Harjono, which will be told too through journalists who participated in that event their writings in print and electronic media. (Nabil).
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